Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Seat Back

We're back from our 2 weeks in Maui. Hmmm.
Anyway I've been working on the cockpit seat backs which I'm making out of unfinished 1" x 10" mahogany.  To make the transition from the cabin to the aft part of the cockpit look nice, I've decided to bend the seat backs.
I built a steam box out of plywood and hooked it up to an old paint pot with some 3/8" copper tubing and placed the pot on the side burner of the old natural gas BBQ.  Unfortunately this did not produce enough steam to properly heat the wood.
Hmmm.  After some serious mental anguish, I remembered that I had picked up a small steam cleaner from Popeye's consignment store for $5.  I hooked it up to the center of the steam box and I was off to the races.

I made a plywood pattern of the shape I cut out of the deck and traced this on to two 2x10 planks and then connected the planks with 2 x 3 forming a curved ladder.  I then placed scraps of wood on top of the mahogany and clamped it to the ladder.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Honduras Mahogany

I've managed to fit a new piece of mahogany into the back of the cabin where the deck section was removed.  It turned out better than I expected however the new mahogany is nowhere close to the same colour as the existing.  I'll have to find a medium brown stain to get it a little closer.