Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Spinnaker Pole Repair

One end of our spinnaker pole was damaged - bent pin and body cracked and badly corroded so pin was jammed solidly.
I cut out the bad aluminum with a zip disk.

I  fit a 1" square bar of aluminum to be TIG welded in place

TIG welded the aluminum bar in place.

I drilled a pilot hole through the block to accept the pin

A little paint and she's as good as new.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Buccaneer Bay

Our next trip was up to Buccaneer Bay which is between the two Thormanby Islands.  We motored the 32 miles from West Vancouver for lack of wind.

We rendezvoused with two racers from the Vancouver Rowing Club and had great weather for the beach.
We were warned that there is usually an out-flow wind that kicks up at about 8 p.m. and lasts for a few hours.  Sure enough we were hit with 10 - 15 knots just as we were settling in for the night.  We had payed out 5 to 1 scope on the anchor which held us just fine in the gravel bottom, however one of our friends did drag very close to grounding.  Close call!

We sailed most of the way home close hauled in 15 knots of wind and 4 foot seas.